How do I add a Google My Business page?

Before adding your Google My Business page to SocialOmm, we recommend first logging into your Google account where you are admin of the page you want to add.

To add your Google My Business page, follow these steps:

  1. In the left sidebar of your SocialOmm account, click Manage Social Profiles.
  2. Click the Add a social media profile button and select Google My Business:
  3. You'll be redirected to choose the Google account that is the admin of the page you want to connect (Social Connect Gateway is our gateway for connecting your social profiles to SocialOmm). Select the Google account to continue:
  4. Click Allow:

    Note: When you click 'Allow', if you are redirected to a page that says "Are your cookies enabled?" you will need to first enable cookies in your browser for the domain name Once you've done this, please return to step 1.

  5. You'll be redirected back to SocialOmm where you can click the Connect button for the profile you want to connect:
  6. You've successfully added your Google My Business page! It will now appear in the table:

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