How do I add multiple schedule dates for a post added to the calendar?

Currently, when you add a post to your calendar directly and select the date and time you want to schedule the post, there's no way to repeat the schedule of the post in order to add multiple dates/times. 

For example, if you want to schedule a post so it shares on the 1st day of every month (this is a feature we'll be adding in the future).

With that being said, there is a workaround:

Simply add the post to your calendar (to do this, click the Create a new post button in the top menu bar and select Calendar next to 'Save to'). Set the scheduled date for, say, the 1st of the month and save it. 

Once the post has been added to your calendar, copy the post (see below) and edit the scheduled date for the following month on the 1st.

0cabfba9c18c5857d7c5d94b034c5bd8.pngRepeat this until you've scheduled as many posts as you want to share.

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