How do I cancel my SocialOmm subscription?

We're sorry to see you go! 😔

When you cancel your SocialOmm subscription, you will be able to continue accessing your SocialOmm account until the end of your billing period. 


Refunds are not provided upon cancellation of your subscription.

How To Cancel Your Subscription

To cancel your SocialOmm subscription, follow these steps:

  1. In the left sidebar of your SocialOmm account, click Brand Settings » Subscription.
  2. Select the Cancel Subscription button:
  3. In the popup, you will be asked to confirm that you wish to cancel your subscription. Click Yes:

  4. Your SocialOmm subscription has now been cancelled and you will no longer be billed. You will be able to continue accessing your SocialOmm account until the end of your billing period. 

If you wish to also delete your account and all your data, view these instructions.

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