How do I accept a team invitation?

If you've been invited to join a brand's SocialOmm account as a team member, follow these steps to accept your invitation:

  1. Your invitation should arrive in your email inbox shortly after it was requested. Click Accept invitation to be taken to your account:
  2. If you have a SocialOmm account, you'll be directed to log in (go to step #3). If you don't have a SocialOmm account, you will be taken to register. Enter your name, email and choose a password. Select the Terms of Service checkbox to accept and then click Register:
  3. If you already have a SocialOmm account, once you have logged in, click Your Settings from the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner of your dashboard. Then click Brand Invitations under 'Settings' and select the tick icon next to the invitation you want to accept.

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