How do I use the AI Assist Feature?

AI Assist transforms how you manage social media by offering smart suggestions and providing insights to optimize your posts for maximum engagement. The power of AI is to offer you inspiration, save time, and optimize your workflow as you make the suggestions your own.

When you are creating a new post, you will see the option to use AI assist below the text box area.

Tell AI what to write about:

You can be friendly and direct with what you would like AI to write.

Example Phrases to Use:

  • I need a catchy Instagram caption for a picture of our new massage chair.
  • Please draft a LinkedIn post announcing our new spa location.
  • "Write a Twitter post for National Anxiety Month.
  • Write a Facebook post about the benefits of massage therapy.
  • Write a social media post about the importance of daily stretching.
  • Generate a post that showcases common challenges faced by people with chronic pain and offers solutions related to massage.
  • Write a post that explores the history of Kinesiology and its evolution over time.
  • Draft a post that lists 10 ways to exercise more.
  • Write a post that compares osteopathy and chiropractic care.
  • Draft a post that shares 2 interesting facts about the gut microbiome.
  • Write a post that explains the science behind FODMAPs like you would to a 5-year-old.
  • Write a motivational quote that would inspire people who are beginners to make exercise a habit.
  • Create a social media post that targets pregnant women and explains how massage therapy can help them.
  • Write a funny joke about vegetables.
  • Create a 7-day social media challenge to encourage people to start a new self-care goal.

Add extra detail:

Instead of saying "Write a post about our sale," try "Write a post about our 50% off Mother's Day sale on massage therapy sessions"

Compare these two examples:

Prompt: Write a post about our sale
Prompt: Write a post about our 50% off Mother's Day sale on massage therapy sessions

Mention any important keywords that should be included in the caption. For example, "Include the keywords 'summer sale' and '50% off'."

Specify any hashtags you want to use. For example, "#FitFam, #WellnessWednesday, #HealthyLiving

[Optional] Change the tone:

Indicate if you want the tone to be neutral, formal, edgy, or engaging.


Click Generate to continue. AI will show you the social media post it has generated. If you are happy with the text, click insert. This will add the text and any emoticons or hashtags to your draft social media post. You can now edit and make any changes to ensure the content is relevant to your audience and matches your unique brand message.

Evaluating the Generated Captions:

  • Relevance & Accuracy: Ensure the caption is relevant & accurate to the content of your post and matches the context you provided.
  • Brand Voice: Make sure the caption aligns with your brandโ€™s voice and tone. If your brand is known for being witty, ensure the caption reflects that.

Fine-tuning your results:

You can now fine-tune the results if you aren't happy with the result or if you would like to suggest improvements.

  • Click retry if you would like AI to try again.
  • Click rephrase if you like the text generated but would like it phrased differently.
  • If you like the post, you can make minor adjustments by clicking to expand, shorten, or change the tone of the text.

Other ways your AI Assistant cant assist you:

We are using an AI model that is modeled after a social media copywriter, however, the AI assist can still answer other questions and support your social media planning. A great example is asking your AI assistant for hashtag ideas. These can be added to your hashtag manager and added to future posts in one click.

Examples to ask the AI Assist:

  • What are the top 5 most used hashtags about massage therapy?
  • What are the 5 best instagram hashtags about health for better engagement?
  • What are the top daily hashtags about health and wellness on instagram?

Your AI assistant will generate an answer. You can click the double squares on the left to copy the text to your clipboard.

Close the AI assist and paste this text into a new Hashtag group in your Hashtag manager.

After you paste the text, please remove the additional text before and after the hashtags so that only the hashtags themselves are left. Save your new Hashtag group and insert them quickly into any future posts.

  • Note - If you don't remove the text surrounding the hashtags, this text will be inserted whenever you insert this hashtag group in the hashtag manager.

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