Post statistics are coming soon!

As of today, we started gathering statistics on posts sent via SocialOmm. This is a major landmark for the platform and will eventually pave the way for a robust analytics and reporting suite for you and your business.

Statistics for each post will be gathered on a daily basis (relative to your team's timezone) for 90 days, at which point no more data will be gathered for that particular post. Information is stored in such a way that a timeline can be created for the activity on each post. Yep, that means graphs!

When a post is first sent we gather the first round of statistics after 2 hours so that you will be able to get an initial idea of how your post is performing.

Once we're confident everything is going smoothly with the data collection, we will start showing this information to you in your SocialOmm account.

Any questions, you know where to find us!

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