What's New in SocialOmm (Dec 2018)

Upload MP4 Videos and GIFs

It's now possible to upload GIFs and MP4 videos to your media library.

We've made some major improvements to the Media Library. You can now upload videos and GIFs and send them to Twitter and Facebook, with LinkedIn support coming soon. 

Post to Google My Business Locations

It's now possible to send posts to your Google My Business locations. Perfect for grabbing attention on the search engine results pages and map listings!

Better Bulk Image Uploads

We've improved how uploads are handled and have made bulk uploads more reliable. We'd still recommend uploading a dozen at a time though, especially if the image files are large. We'll continue to make improvements to the upload handling in the coming weeks.

Facebook Statistics

Our Facebook app has been approved to gather statistics from posts sent to Facebook. 

Please note: you must reconnect your Facebook accounts and approve the new "Read Insights" permission.


There are dozens of other small improvements and bug fixes that we've made recently, so we'll quickly highlight the main items below: 

  1. Better issue checking on Add Post pop-up: Pro-active warnings are shown if there could be an issue with your post.
  2. Author shown on Post Planner: You can now see who authored the post in the Post Planner.
  3. Image dimensions shown: New image uploads now show the width/height of the images in various screens.

What's Next?

If you'd like to view the upcoming features we're working on, check out our Feature Roadmap.

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