⛔️ Post Error: "You have reached the maximum number of posts per day for this network"


Your post failed to send and you see the error message "You have reached the maximum number of posts per day for this network". 

For example, you will see this error message for the failed post in your calendar:What This Means:

This can happen for posts that are scheduled to share on Instagram or in your Facebook Group. These social profiles are connected via a free Buffer account.

You will get this error message in SocialOmm if your queue is full in Buffer (i.e. you've added posts to Buffer through the Buffer interface).

You will need to delete the posts in your queue in Buffer. When you connect a social profile in SocialOmm using a free Buffer account, you should only schedule your posts in SocialOmm - not in Buffer. We merely use Buffer's API to schedule your posts in SocialOmm - that way, you can use SocialOmm as normal, as you do for all other social profiles that are connected directly in SocialOmm.

Once you've deleted your posts in Buffer that are in your queue, your posts will send as normal in SocialOmm.

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