Why do social media profiles expire and need reconnecting?
Social media profiles will become disconnected after a period of time (except Facebook). Whilst this can be frustrating, it's good to keep in mind that this is normal behavior and is the result of the social network making a change to keep your account safe and secure.
Connections between SocialOmm and your social media profiles require access tokens, which can expire for a number of reasons, including password changes and the lifespan of its access token (90 days).
When one of your social profiles expires, you will be sent an email notification asking you to log in and reconnect your profile to your SocialOmm account.
You will also receive an email notification whenever a post fails to send, which could indicate that your social media profile is disconnected. You must reconnect your profile immediately to ensure there are no interruptions in your scheduled posts being shared.
How do I reconnect my social profile when it expires?
To reconnect your social media profile, go to Accounts and click the three dots to see the Update option for the profile you want to reconnect.
When do access tokens expire, causing your social media profile to disconnect?
The access token for any social media profile connected to your SocialOmm account will expire and you will need to reconnect your account in the following scenarios:
If the access token has expired for that social media profile
The connection between SocialOmm and your social media profiles requires access tokens, which have a lifespan of 90 days. Once you have reached expiry, you will need to reconnect your social profile.
You can view when the permission expires for each of your connected social profiles in Accounts.
If the username or password of the social profile has changed
Changing your social media account username or password will result in that social network removing SocialOmm's access to your account because the original credentials that were used to authenticate the account no longer exist. To correct this, log in to your SocialOmm account and go to Accounts to reconnect the social account immediately after changing your username or password.
If SocialOmm's access to the social network has been revoked
Each social network has an area where third-party apps can be granted authorization to access your account. If SocialOmm's access is revoked or altered, this will result in the loss of the access token and your account being disconnected.
To correct this, login to your SocialOmm account and go to Accounts to reconnect your social media profiles.