How do I use the Content Discovery feature?

Content Discovery is where you can discover awesome content in your niche by searching for news articles to use in your posts.

Our Content Discovery feature removes the stress from content creation and allows you to find fresh new trending content on any topic by date and country.

You can schedule a news article to your calendar directly from here (or add it to a Post Group to add the article to a group). SocialOmm will automatically pre-fill the post with the article image and post description so all you need to do is hit schedule!

Search News Articles

Follow these steps to search for news articles:

  1. Click Content Discovery and then Search news articles.
  2. Enter a search term and hit enter on your keyboard:
  3. To schedule the article to social, click the Schedule button and follow the prompts:
  4. To add the article to a group in Post Groups, click the Add to button and select the group you want to add the article to:

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